
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Fresh Start #4 - Partnership
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
In the last sermon of our "Fresh Start" series, Pastor Daniel discusses our roles as the body of Christ together in the local church. In 1 Thessalonians 5:9-14, we are instructed to "encourage one another and build one another up." Why? Verse 9 says God has destined us obtain salvation. It's for the sake of the gospel that God has put us together. We all have a role to play, a purpose, and we need to all be about that for Him and for each other. We need to partner together and stay "on mission" for Him. Let's listen to this powerful message on partnership.
Pastor Daniel

Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Fresh Start #3 - ”How do we Grow? - Read Your Bible”
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
In the third sermon of our "Fresh Start" series, Pastor Daniel encourages us to simply "Read Your Bible." Do you want to grow? Then the answer can be as simple, or complex, as that. Whether you are a brand-new believer, or a long-follower of Jesus, there are some steps that anyone can take to grow in their relationship with God. They are,
1a) Read your Bible for yourself daily (1 chapter)
1b) Read your Bible with your family (1 chapter)
2) Think about what the Bible is saying for you and those around you
3) Memorize the Bible so the Holy Spirit has something to remind you about when you need it.
4) Study the Bible (using Commentaries, Studies, etc.)
5) Disciple/Teach/Encourage others to do the same thing

Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Fresh Start #2 - ”Are You Alive?”
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
In our second sermon of our "Fresh Start" series, Pastor Daniel asks the simple (or seemingly simple) question, "What does it mean to be alive?" What signs or evidences are you exhibiting to show that you are truly alive? What does the Bible have to say about that? In many cases, the Word of God tells us that in order to be truly alive, we have to be willing to "lay our lives down," or "offer our bodies as living sacrifices." How does that play out for each of us? What about you? Are you really alive? Or do you just exist? Let's listen to Pastor Daniel as he shares with us from God's Word.
Pastor Daniel

Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Fresh Start #1 - ”The Battle Is Not Yours”
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
In the first sermon of our annual series called "Fresh Start," Pastor Anthony shares with us from 2 Chronicles 20 and the story of King Jehoshaphat. In life, we all are going to face battles, and many times it may seem like we are facing an enemy that we could never defeat. In those moments, like King Jehoshaphat, may we each turn our faces to the Lord and seek Him. He will tell us the same thing that He said through the prophet to the King in verses 15 and 17, "Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's. You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you...Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you."
Pastor Anthony

Sunday Dec 18, 2022
God is Love - (Advent 4 - Love Candle)
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
In this last week before Christmas, we come to the candle of Love. If you listed all of God's characteristics, and tried to determine which one was the most dominant and truest of God, it would be His love. His love is the driving force behind all of God's interactions with mankind. Therefore, as God's beloved children, there are 3 things that we have as a direct result of His love for us.
1) Because of His love, we have been made friends of God.
2) As His friends, His plans and purposes are made known to us.
3) Part of God's great plans for us, we are supposed to be His ambassadors of love to others.

Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Faith & Hope
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Today's sermon is on two different topics. Each one is integral to our Christian walk: FAITH and HOPE. What are they? Do they relate and how? Let's listen to Pastor Anthony as he discusses two of the foundational beliefs of the Church.
Pastor Anthony

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
The Russell Family - CEF / Mission Trip to the DR
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
In today's message, the Russell family (Brian, Summer & Hannah) share about the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship and their upcoming mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Let's listen to all that the Lord is doing in and through their family...
The Russell Family

Sunday Sep 11, 2022
The Law of Sowing and Reaping - ”Galatians 6:7-10”
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Anthony continues our sermon series in Galatians. In chapter 6, Paul discusses the law of sowing and reaping. As opposed to always looking backwards with regret, we need to change our perspective to the "here and now." What decisions are we making right now that we can expect a good harvest tomorrow? Let's listen in to Pastor Anthony...

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
What Are You Carrying?
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Pastor Daniel continues our study of Galatians 6. What does it mean to truly live in Christian community? What are our responsibilities in that community as it relates to our personal Christian walk? What about our brothers and sisters? What does God expect from each of us? Let's listen in...

Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Flesh or Spirit - Galatians 5:16-26
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Continuing our sermon series in Galatians, we as Christians are challenged each day to either walk in the flesh or in the Spirit. God has given us the Holy Spirit to give us the power and the direction in order to walk out our Christian faith each day and to truly LIVE by the Spirit. Which one will you choose? Let's listen to Pastor Anthony...